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分享 The Angel In My House
meishaonvna 2015-10-28 17:56
Willingly or not, I had been her sister for 13 years since I was 7 years old. Due to her arrival, I then childishly thought that I was thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity. Once a lovely girl, I felt condemned by this fate to becoming a desolated(荒凉的) burden ---- al ...
1161 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 花的世界我堅定走過
hondin 2015-9-1 14:56
花像生命,一朵朵開出青春的味道。綻放時刻,有的開得深邃,有的開得含蓄,有的開得嬌豔,還有的開得僻靜。人們都嚮往走入花的最深處,環繞著花海般的浪漫,笑容甜美,青春飛舞,美麗綻放。一根根春天拂過的莖葉上掛著綠色,似嬌嫩的雙手捧著彩虹的七色,點綴著你的眼睛,潑染著流水,裝飾著青春的夢。 春風解意,它一來, ...
1095 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 肥底想搵快錢
999pk0 2015-8-31 20:50
睇相加微信cwb2101 五中意可以五搵,可以五加,脾氣暴躁
1745 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 缘总会有重逢日
viking 2015-8-31 16:56
南宁这座熟悉而陌生的大城,曾经陪伴着我走过了风雨三年。曾对你情深似海,可到最后留给你的,却只有轻描淡写的几段话。 喜欢南宁的春天,她给人的印象总是不深不浅,不长不短。淡淡的记忆中,她就像是雾中一朵妖艳的花朵,不显露,不张扬。南宁的春天很短暂,待春暖花开的时候,如果你稍不留神,春天的脚步就已经从你 ...
990 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 through strainer to separate the skins
osdeoriaass 2015-8-24 15:57
This specialty from the Dominican Republic can be served warm, room temperature, or cold. Have some in a small soup bowl or wide mug with extra crackers on the side. Level: Moderate Yield: 15 to 18 servings Ingredients 1 lb. small dry red beans 9.50 c. water &n ...
979 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 莎拉交友論壇+ wechat:eyny520
qing642 2015-8-22 20:28
莎拉交友論壇+ wechat:eyny520
1454 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 莎拉交友論壇+ wechat:eyny520
qing642 2015-8-22 20:26
莎拉交友論壇+ wechat:eyny520
1387 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 The elders of the groups
fangmiaolan 2015-8-14 17:52
The elders of the groups
It was always a part of my work amongst them to endeavour to give them a little insight into our own social system, but to the end of their lives they failed to understand it. The moment the low white entered their lives all native social and sexual tabus were broken. When the first white man took ...
1185 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 Chocolate-Chip Brownies
eoriaosderiy 2015-8-12 18:20
Chocolate-Chip Brownies
Lining the pan isn't busywork; it makes it easy to remove the brownies. Total Time: 3:00 Prep: 0:15 Level: Moderate Yield: 16 Serves: 16 Ingredients 8 tbsp. unsalted butter 1 c. all-purpose flour 0.25 c. Unsweetened cocoa powder & ...
1257 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 Fortunately for their own sakes
mengxiangai 2015-8-5 18:25
Fortunately for their own sakes
Some of our camps were perfectly charming: overhanging trees, good water for cooking and bathing, and plenty of grass, not only for the horses, but to make the most luxurious of beds. What could we have wished for more? Birds and fish were abundant, and here, for the first time, we met with th ...
1316 次閱讀|0 個評論

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