danei 發表於 2014-10-27 20:18:22


wongb81 發表於 2014-10-28 16:25:45

nice to meet u

ccc0721 發表於 2014-10-28 17:11:36


thkpuac2010 發表於 2014-10-29 14:01:22

wechat: choiwan2

if u need money support

ewrewrew 發表於 2014-10-29 15:11:05


goldenwater 發表於 2014-10-30 11:59:02

nice to meet you:):):)

skyrain 發表於 2014-10-30 16:11:50

how to contact you?

Arde 發表於 2014-10-30 16:33:50

nice to meet you~

KenChan2@FB 發表於 2014-10-30 21:11:35


simon_007 發表於 2014-10-30 23:46:20

look so good wor
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